Joeys Year 7 2019

Lenten appeal

Each year during Lent the boys raise funds for a different cause. They are encouraged to give something up and make a sacrifice to help someone who is not as well off as themselves.

This year we are fund raising for the Kuya Centre for street children in the Philippines.  At the Centre the children can take part in a number of programs and choose from a range of educational options.  Regular schooling is offered to those of normal school age and attainment; accelerated education to older boys with low attainment levels; while evening classes are held for young adults.  The Centre’s residential program provides food, clothing, shelter, medical care, including detoxification if required, psychological assessment, counselling and safety for 30 boys.

Already the Year 7 boys have donated over $200 cash to the cause and they are being encouraged to donate something each week.

mblair • 10 March, 2019

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