Academic awards at assembly

IMG_2390Year 9 were recognised for their academic excellence and academic application in Semester 1 at assembly this morning.

Boys who received awards:

Academic Excellence and Academic Application:

Rhys Barrow, Nicholas Davies, Nicholas Rath, Oliver Sidgreaves

Academic Excellence:

Ruestam Bhangal, Nicholas Chan, Angus Dermody, Daniel Gibbons, Duncan James, Nicholas Jones, Jack Lewis, James Moore, Kobi Russell, Ben Tuite

Academic Application:

Patrick Bingham, Thomas Creighton, Ned Denton, Lucas Easton, Joshua Hewitt, Kaylam Hogan, Samuel Kanaan, Harrison Marr, Cian McCann, Daniel O’Brien, Matthew O’Malley, Dominic Sestanovic, Francis Stackpool, Edward Sykes.


Friday French social night

French Dance NIghtOn Friday night the Year 9 French students attended a French dance night. It was a great night with plenty of beaming faces and positive comments as we left the venue, having made new friends and enjoyed the music and atmosphere.  It is possible that some of the joy came from the fact that they pretty quickly realised they were the only boys’ school there and that the ratio of boys to girls was about 1:5.


Hunters Hill-Le Vesinet Exchange students

Year 9 French with our three Hunters Hill-Le Vesinet Exchange students working together.

The Hunters Hill-Le Vesinet Exchange is in its 27th year and Students in Years 9-11 who study French can participate by going to France to stay with a French family in the outer Parisian suburb of Le Vesinet, a sister municipality to Hunters Hill  for 6 weeks in December/January, before reciprocating and receiving their French host brother in June/July.

It was the French students’ first day at school after 3 weeks of holiday time with their host families (Each of these students have been hosted by a current Year 11 student studying French), exploring places far and wide such as Thredbo, Hamilton Island and Byron Bay. Although wearing a uniform was a complete novelty for them, they easily slipped into their roles as honorary “Joe Boys” for the 3 weeks ahead.

Y9 French working in small group with the three students from France asking about film and cinema popularity in France

Y9 French working in small group with the three students from France asking about film and cinema popularity in France.

Julian Doyle, Robbie Matchett, Will Dyster, Zac Lawler with Le Vesinet exchange student Oscar Beriot learning about popular movie genres in France

Julian Doyle, Robbie Matchett, Will Dyster, Zac Lawler with Le Vesinet exchange student Oscar Beriot learning about popular movie genres in France.

Sam Kanaan, Jordan Olivieri, Martin Floch (From Le Vesinet) , Matthew Smith, Rhys Barrow and Ed Benjamin discussing TV shows in French.

Sam Kanaan, Jordan Olivieri, Martin Floch (From Le Vesinet) , Matthew Smith, Rhys Barrow and Ed Benjamin discussing TV shows in French.

Le Vesinet student Gaetan Klocpocki with Nic Rath and James Moore, noting the most popular TV genres for French teenagers

Le Vesinet student Gaetan Klocpocki with Nic Rath and James Moore, noting the most popular TV genres for French teenagers

Year 9 French Semester 1

Photo 1

The Year 9 class began the year with a traditional celebration of Candlemas and Shrove Tuesday by learning to cook traditional crepes on crepe machines, to a French recipe (written IN French!) A great time was had by all.

Photo 2

Year 9 class working on storyboard

As already posted on the blog in March, they also had their first excursion as a group to the Sydney French Film Festival to see a French drama-Comedy. The Dinner leave at Leichhardt beforehand was much appreciated as well.

Late in Term 1, the boys performed their Clothing speaking dialogues and a lot of effort and detail went into these performances.

Recently the boys submitted an assessment on health, designing symptoms and advice posters in French for the Infirmary: Nic Rath’s submission about General well-being and Josh Legdin’s Winter ailments posters were both very impressive (see below)

Photo 3

Robbie Matchett coordinating the ideas of his classmates

And as Mid-Year approaches and our third unit beings, the Year 9 Class have begun the scriptwriting process for their Short Film Competition Entry, to be submitted in September. Robbie Matchett is coordinating the class’s efforts and is set to star in a leading role in their production which features a dream sequence and the required element – a balloon.

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14F v Riverview

The 14F’s had the honour of kicking off proceedings at Riverview with the dreaded 8.00am game.  They gathered in darkness to catch the 7.00am bus.  They then encountered a Riverview team with much bigger boys and the worst playing conditions of the day with consistent rain throughout the match.  Despite this, the boys knuckled down to the task at hand and played some entertaining rugby and ran the Riverview team off their feet.  They scored 7 tries and kept the Riverview team scoreless in their 45-0 win.  Dominic Sestanovic scored 3 tries. A great platform for the rest of the day.  Below is a photo of the happy boys after the game which was popular on Joeys Rugby twitter.

14F v Riverview 18-6-16

Report and photo courtesy of Mr David Wiseman.

Year 9 boys reading at mass

Year 9 did the readings and offertory tonight at Mass. Father Gavin was joined in saying Mass by Father Kevin. Father Kevin who is a Filipino priest who spoke to the boys about his work with refugees in Burma.

Latin quiz

IMG_1827Last night 4 Year 9 boys competed in a Latin quiz at Barker College. Will Page, Daniel Gibbons, Angus Dermody and Oliver Sidgreaves led the team to the finals, which is a first for Joeys. Unfortunately those pesky teams from SCEGGS & PLC Sydney were just too quick on the buzzer in the final!

Bollywood in the Year 9 Ref


Tonight was just another night like every other in the Year 9 ref (despite what your son probably tells you).

A tiger and flamingo watched on as the boys tucked into a Bollywood inspired food under coloured spotlights. The menu included an entree of samosas and two types of curry for mains. Dessert and supper also had an Indian flavour.

IMG_0246  IMG_0248  IMG_0245

Like I said, just another ordinary night in the Year 9 dining room….


Feedback from Synapse

The boys reflect on Synapse and the da Vinci decathalon.


The da Vinci Decathlon was a fun and challenging experience for us all. As we stepped through the Knox gates, we were amazed. There was over 1000 students competing at one school! We sat down at the tables in the hall ready for the challenges. The first three challenges we got handed were English, Science and Philosophy. We all worked well as a team as managed to complete these hard tasks relatively well. After recess, we were handed four more challenges. These consisted of Mathematics, Engineering, Art and Poetry and Cartography. These challenges not only required us to use our knowledge but also our creative minds. After lunch, we then did General Knowledge and Code Breaking. We did both these tasks quite well. Overall, this day presented many challenges but was a great experience to be involved in.

Rhys Barrow year 9


i think synapse was challenging this year, though was achievable.

I do think however that the maths section was a bit too tricky.

I would have loved to see the comparison of synapse with DaVinci – i guess I’ll just have to wait until next year and hopefully I’ll get chosen.

Nick Davies Year 9


Synapse was a good challenge, which while a lot of fun, had its harder moments. The best parts were the general knowledge and the art and poetry. The hardest parts were the maths and the engineering. IT was a lot of fun overall and I would like to do it again.

Angus Dermody Yr 9


Sport awards at assembly

IMG_0228This morning at assembly two year 9 boys were recognised for recent sporting achievements.

Finn McDowell-Male for scoring 5 tries for the 15F Rugby against Knox.

Joe Kevans for scoring 5 tries against Scots in the 14E Rugby.


State of Origin morning tea


The boys were served blue donuts at recess today in preparation for tonight’s Rugby League State of Origin clash.

If you look carefully you will see that there was one maroon donut.  No one would touch it. Interestingly, the hole in the maroon donut was much bigger than the blue ones.